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My Favorite Blog Articles of the Week

Every Thursday I’m hoping to highlight some of my favorite articles from the past week. Thursday is a great day for this because I work my standard job and then tutor for 4 hours, which leaves me exhausted and little time for writing any kind of decent post. Also, I want to spread the word about some of my favorite blogs by highlighting some great articles.


Jim at Bargaineering gathered a list of high interest reward checking accounts that I plan on checking out in the near future. If I decide to open a checking account I’ll be sure to post about my experiences.

Patrick at Cash Money Life broke the news that he and his wife are expecting a new addition to the family. I look forward to his upcoming posts about how this will affect his finances.

Over at Studenomics, some great tips about emergency funds are discussed. Emergency funds aren’t one size fits all, but this post details some of the deciding factors for how large your emergency fund should be.

Fivecentnickel brought up the 4% mortgage that some Republicans are lobbying for in the Senate. I would love to get a 4% refinance, that’s for sure.

TradeKing is reviewed over at My Dollar Plan. When I’ve finally caught up on my goals I will begin trying to beat the stock market with a little play money. Now that Zecco has increased the account value needed for free trades, TradeKing is the front runner for my play money account.

Jonathan at My Money Blog looks into the differences between Target Date Retirement Funds and what they consist of. I found this article interesting as my Roth IRA money is currently held in a target date retirement fund.

Kevin at No Debt Plan started couponing at CVS and Walgreens. I’ve been doing so for some time and thoroughly enjoy being paid by CVS and Walgreens to take their products.

Pat at Smart Passive Income detailed his first meeting with a CPA. If my blog or other self-employed activities ever take off into what I can legitimately call a company, I will definitely look into hiring a CPA.


I participated in one carnival this week, The Carnival of Personal Finance #190 over at Funny About Money, check it out. I submitted to three carnivals, but one doesn’t go live until next week and another carnival opted not to use my post. I will continue to work on participating in more carnivals to increase traffic and subscribers for my blog.

Random Thought

One final thought for the week: How in the world is Manny Ramirez not signed yet? If my Braves had the funds, I would love to see him in a Braves uniform. Having spent four years in Boston, I can say from experience that Manny Ramirez is CRAZY good.

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