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Book Review: Problogger – Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

probloggerI should say this at the outset – I subscribe to Darren Rowse’s blog (Problogger) and thoroughly enjoy reading his posts. His site is extremely helpful for bloggers. I have learned more information about blogging from his site than I have from any other site. For this reason I purchased his book, “Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income”,  with the hopes of learning even more. I was very disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of useful information in his book, but I didn’t learn very much new information. I feel as though I had learned it all from reading his blog.

Setting Up Your Blog

One of the few chapters that I found very useful was the chapter about setting up your blog. There is a plethora of information about promoting and monetizing you blog, but there aren’t a whole lot of good resources for setting up your blog. He walks you through setting up your first blog. He discusses the pros and cons of self-hosted vs. free hosting. Rowse covers every little detail including registering a domain name and putting wordpress on it. I found this chapter very informative, however, I had already done all of this by the time I had read the book. I can say that it would have been very helpful had I not started blogging yet.

Blog Income and Earning Strategies

Rowse discusses all aspects of earning income online. He starts off by asking whether or not it is the right time to start monetizing your blog. He then follows that up with a thorough discussion of the types of ways to monetize your blog. He also covers how to advertise on your blog, as well as, how to determine the correct pricing for advertisements and how to receive the payments for advertisements.

Final Thoughts

This particular book review is pretty short, which isn’t because Problogger is a bad book. Problogger is well-written and extremely thorough. The problem is that I already knew 98% of the information found in the book. I would recommend this book to anybody who is looking to start a blog, but hasn’t already started their own blog. If you have done any research of your own into blogging, you most likely know the majority of the information in the book. I do highly recommend the free website, Problogger, as it contains a wealth of good blogging information.

Random Thought

So March Madness is winding down, and my bracket took a shellacking in the last two rounds. I lost my champion, Louisville, and the runner-up, Pitt. I didn’t pick a single final four team, which is depressing. Although, if I look back at my original bracket (pre-Lawson injury) I had three of the final four teams. I suppose what they say about sticking with your guns is true, I would have done much better this year if I had. Although after Levance Fields’ heroics throughout the tournament, I’ve decided to name my first born Lesteve, or possibly Lejack-bauer. Does anybody have a relatively intact bracket?

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