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Despite my hectic week due to closing on my condo, I was able to participate in three carnivals.

I participated in the Carnival of Personal Finance – 173rd Edition, which was hosted by Girls Just Wanna Have Funds. Girls Just Wanna Have Funds is a blog dedicated to women taking charge of her own personal finances and focuses on budgeting, investing and frugality. The following are some of my favorite posts from the carnival:

I also participated in the Carnival of Twenty Something Finances, which was hosted by Lava. Lava is blogging while in college to get out from under a mountain of debt. The following are a few of the best posts:

  • How I Save Money wants everyone to check out a new CVS page, which details the adventure of spending as little money possible at CVS. I will be taking my first stab at CVSing in the next week or two.

Finally, I participated in the Investing Carnival, which was hosted by Barel Karsan who focuses on value investing. The following are some of my favorite posts:

  • Contrarian Profits discusses 8 inverse ETFs to profit from the economic meltdown. I am not knowledgeable about shorting the market, but I hope to become so in the future.
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